The importance of cleaning your orthodontic braces cannot be overstated. If your braces are not clean or fall into disrepair, you cannot expect them to deliver the services and full functionality for which they were designed. Here are a few tips you can use to keep your braces in proper working condition:
– Various products such as fruits and nuts can easily get stuck between your teeth and braces. Avoid sticky and chewy substances while getting orthodontic treatments such as braces.
– Wearing braces does not preclude you from caring for your smile, so continue to brush and floss daily.
– Never participate in high-risk activities or sports without first making sure you are properly wearing the necessary amount of safety gear and equipment to keep your smile safe.
– Never leave your retainer in too long as it can become contaminated with bacteria. Clean weekly or more often if necessary.
– Should the worst happen and you accidentally break your braces, do not attempt to fix them on your own.
– Never skip meetings or checkups with your orthodontist.
If you think your teeth could use a little extra work and would like to have a professional exam from our team at San Diego Orthodontic Specialists, simply book an appointment at our orthodontic office in San Diego, California, by calling us at 858-487-8900. Dr. David Li and the rest of our team would be glad to take care of any oral health care needs you may have.