Smile More Confidently

Welcome to San Diego Orthodontic Specialists’s smile gallery! For more than 15 years, Dr. David Li and our team have helped our patients enjoy beautiful, healthy smiles through personalized orthodontics in San Diego, California. Please feel free to explore some of the results we have accomplished. To learn more about our orthodontic services and to make your appointment with our talented orthodontists, please call us at 858-487-8900. We are eager to see you here soon!


Before and Afters
Impacted canines are no bueno…This is a 37 y/o patient who lived with this impacted canine his whole life. He was so self conscious about it that he never smiled in pictures. We were so excited to help him achieve a beautiful smile he can proudly show off! 🙂 Here we extracted the over-retained primary canine and were able to successfully move the impacted canine into the correct position. These are the sort of life changing impacts San Diego Orthodontic Specialists can do for you. Check us out at


Before and Afters
Absolutely A M A Z I N G. Dr. Li is a Board Certified Specialist in Orthodontics. His many years of additional training have him the superb skills to provide our patient’s results like this. See what Dr. Li can do for you! Call for a complimentary consultation at (858) 487-8900.


Top row before
Top row after
Bottom row before
Bottom row after

Lets talk about crowding. Crowding is probably the number one chief complaint we come across in our initial exams. At San Diego Orthodontic Specialists, we use the latest advances in orthodontics to provide the best care for our patients. This case would typically be a 24 month treatment… we were able to complete it in just 14 months using Damon braces with the Propel vPro5 vibration appliance. For more information or to schedule a complimentary exam, call us at 858-487-8900.


Before and Afters
Cross-bite… Open-bite… Crowding… Oh my! This patient has a triple whammy of orthodontic issues to address. Although we do try to avoid permanent tooth extraction whenever possible, in this case, by extracting 4 bicuspids, we were able to use the space to address all three orthodontic issues and achieve an aesthetic & functional result. This patient now has a beautiful smile they can be proud of for the rest of their lives.


Before and Afters
‘Does my child need two phases of treatment?’ A two phase treatment approach is not necessary for every child we see, but can greatly benefit a child if there are crowding issues or bite issues…like an overbite, underbite, or cross-bite. A two phase approach can often eliminate the need for permanent teeth to be extracted as part of the orthodontic treatment and can help achieve the best overall aesthetic and functional result. The American Association of Orthodontists recommend that children be seen by an orthodontist by age 7. Call us at 858-487-8900 for a complimentary orthodontic evaluation today!


Before and Afters
Dental crowding is one of the major reasons patients seek orthodontic treatment at San Diego Orthodontic Specialists. Well aligned teeth are easier to keep clean, decrease the chance of cavities or gum issues, and are BEAUTIFUL as well!


Before and Afters
Our goal at San Diego Orthodontic Specialists is to create beautiful, long lasting, and functional smiles to last a lifetime! Although we generally try to avoid extracting teeth whenever possible, sometime it is necessary to do so in order to achieve the best overall result for the patient’s occlusion and overall facial esthetics.


Before and Afters
Orthodontic treatment is not strictly for esthetics…by correcting this patient’s severe underbite, we not only improved her bite, we gave her a BEAUTIFUL new smile she can be proud of! These are LIFE CHANGING results that can change a person’s self esteem and confidence.


Before and Afters
You don’t think that a smile can change a person’s life? With the skill and expertise of Dr. Li, we were able to help this patient achieve a beautiful new smile which improved their confidence and self-esteem dramatically! Check out these before and after pictures and see for yourself (and yes, they are the same patient!)


How are we different? Getting results like this …
This adult patient had two palatally-impacted canines and was being treated without success by another doctor for over a year before coming to see Dr. Li. The patient has a high profile profession so aesthetics was a big concern. Once we successfully brought the canines into position, we were able to finish the case beautifully with Invisalign. See what Dr. Li and his AMAZING team can do for you. Call us for your complimentary exam at 858-487-8900!


Before and Afters
Transformation Tuesday!
Let’s talk about jaw surgery. Although it may sound scary, when a patient has a significant jaw or bite issue, sometimes the only way to truly correct it is with jaw surgery. For this patient, Dr. Li worked in coordination with an oral surgeon to correct the patient’s crossbite, underbite and mandibular asymmetry, achieving a functional and aesthetically-pleasing result. See what Dr. Li can do for you. Contact us for your complimentary exam today!


Before and Afters
Before and Afters

Achieving the best results for our patients is what we do. Although we do not recommend a Phase I treatment for every child, doing an interceptive phase of orthodontic treatment can help a patient achieve a stable smile, as well as eliminate the need for permanent teeth to be extracted. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Call for your complimentary exam with Dr. Li today and swipe left to see the progress from this patient’s Phase I to completion.


Before and Afters

What a difference a day makes.. .ok, so this took us a little longer than a day, but what HUGE transformation we were able to make in this patient’s life to now have a BEAUTIFUL new smile and FUNCTIONAL bite!


Before and Afters

Let’s talk about crowding…

Crowding is another common orthodontic issue we address. By correcting crowded teeth, we once again can achieve a beautiful smile, but equally as important, we can improve the health, cleansability, and longevity of the teeth.


Before and Afters

Patient’s Chief Complaint: ‘I hate my snaggle tooth…’

Using the Damon System, Dr. Li was able to help her achieve a BEAUTIFUL new smile with a LIFE CHANGING RESULT.


Before and Afters

This deep overbite case was corrected with Invisalign. Good cooperation with elastics and compliance was key for this patient to achieve his dream smile!


Before and Afters

Can we take a moment to admire that midline though?!

This case was treated with full braces to address crowding, deep bite, and a mild class II. Elastics were required to help with bite correction. With 18 months of outstanding compliance, this young lady is now able to enjoy the rest of her high school years with a beautiful smile.


Before and Afters


Gaps between two adjacent teeth, but they’re most common between your front two teeth. Orthodontic treatment is an EXCELLENT and CONSERVATIVE approach to address this issue, without the need for bonding, veneers or crowns.


Before and Afters

Open bite…

Oh my goodness! 😬This patient had a triple whammy of orthodontic issues to address. In this case, we were able to do no extractions to address all three orthodontic issues and achieve an esthetic & functional result. This patient now has a beautiful smile they can be proud of for the rest of their lives.


Before and Afters
Before and Afters

Crowding is one of the most common reasons a person seeks orthodontic treatment. Whether you choose braces or Invisalign, orthodontic treatment can not only improve the health, longevity, and function of your teeth, but also can help you achieve a BEAUTIFUL new smile 😃 to last a lifetime.