Are you ready for the movie-star quality smile you desire but lack the rotation and straight smile to achieve the flawless dental profile of your dreams? Luckily, Invisalign® orthodontic aligners can be used to straighten your teeth and give you the smile you have always wanted. For more information about Invisalign, consider the following:
– Invisalign aligners are the idyllic treatment for malocclusions and misalignments.
– Metal free aligners guarantee that you that you won’t get poked or stabbed by broken wires.
– Invisalign aligners are customized to each patient’s dental impression for a lasting fit that can get the job done.
– Your lifestyle does not have to transform much with Invisalign, and most of your closest friends and family may not even notice you are even using them.
– Each set of aligners is modified to be fully customizable for each patient with a secure fit that ensures maximum effectiveness and treatment quality.
– Invisalign aligners can be taken out to prevent any food restrictions from being necessary. Simply pop out the aligners during mealtime and then pop them back into place after you finish eating.
No matter the orthodontic you desire, Dr. David Li and our team at San Diego Orthodontic Specialists are here to give you the smile you want. If you would like to schedule an appointment to come see us at our orthodontic office in San Diego, California, please contact us at 858-487-8900 to speak with a member of our team. Come in and become a success story with a healthier smile today.